Weekly Meditation with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl
New episodes every Thursday
In these stormy times, take a few minutes each week to find your balance and nourish yourself with wisdom from Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, one of America’s foremost spiritual leaders.
Join IJS for a “Weekly Meditation with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl,” a short weekly podcast featuring a brief, accessible, and engaging teaching and meditation based on the weekly Torah portion, an upcoming Jewish holiday, or wisdom from Jewish tradition. Whether you are in your car, on a walk, or at home, join us to learn, nourish your spirit, and deepen your practice.
MEET YOUR HOST: Rabbi Angela Buchdahl
Rabbi Angela Warnick Buchdahl serves as the Senior Rabbi of Central Synagogue in New York City and is the first woman to lead Central’s Reform congregation in its 180-year history. Rabbi Buchdahl first joined Central Synagogue as Senior Cantor in 2006. In 2014, she was chosen by the congregation to be Senior Rabbi.
Rabbi Buchdahl was invested as a cantor in 1999 and also ordained as a rabbi in 2001 by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York where she was a Wexner Graduate Fellow. She earned a bachelor of arts in religious studies from Yale University in 1994. Born in Korea to a Jewish American father and a Korean Buddhist mother, Rabbi Buchdahl is the first Asian American to be ordained as a cantor or rabbi in North America. Prior to her service at Central Synagogue, Rabbi Buchdahl served as Associate Rabbi/Cantor at Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, New York.
Rabbi Buchdahl has been nationally recognized for her innovations in leading worship, which draw large crowds both in the congregation’s historic Main Sanctuary and via livestream and cable broadcast to viewers in more than 100 countries.
Central Synagogue Podcast
This is the podcast/audio archive of Manhattan’s historic Central Synagogue- featuring sermons, music, lectures and conversations. Central Synagogue works tirelessly toward a world in which Judaism is central to the lives of people everywhere and is a profound and positive force for humanity.
Jewish Meditation for Everyone
New episodes every Monday
“It is awesome and for those that are driven by data my HR decreased by 6 beats per minute by regularly practicing alongside the above mentioned guides/teachers. Thank you IJS!”
– Podcast listener
Tune into a practice that helps you relax your body, reconnect with your authentic self, and engage with deep Jewish wisdom.
Pause in the midst of your busy day to renew your body, heart, mind and spirit with a Jewishly-framed mindfulness meditation from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. In each episode, hosted by Rabbi Marc Margolius, an expert Jewish meditation instructor guides you through a brief teaching and meditation practice.
MEET YOUR HOST: Rabbi Marc Margolius, IJS VP of Faculty and Program
Rabbi Marc Margolius directs the faculty and overall programming for IJS, and oversees programming for lay leaders and alumni of the Hevraya, the alumni of our Clergy Leadership Program. He hosts IJS’s online daily mindfulness meditation sessions and teaches Awareness in Action: Cultivating Character through Mindfulness and Middot, our online program in tikkun middot practice, integrating Jewish mindfulness with attention to core middot, character traits.
Previously, Marc served as rabbi at West End Synagogue in Manhattan and Congregation Beth Am Israel in Penn Valley, PA, where he pioneered a Shabbat-centered model of congregational engagement. He developed and led the Legacy Heritage Innovation Project at the Legacy Heritage Fund from 2005-2010, an initiative to promote systemic educational change in congregations around the globe.
Long active in social justice activism, Marc is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and of Yale Law School and lives in New York City.
Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices For Every Day
New episodes every MONday
“I always appreciate your teachings and your mix of humor and pathos. I also frequently find synchronicity between your narrative/meditation practice and what it is that I might be needing to hear!”
– Podcast listener
Tune into a practice that helps you relax your body, reconnect with your authentic self, and engage with deep Jewish wisdom.
Overstressed, overworked, overstimulated? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in. In each episode Rabbi Josh Feigelson will guide with ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness practices to help center your soul and ease you into your week.
MEET YOUR HOST: Rabbi Josh Feigelson, PhD., IJS President & CEO
Josh was appointed Executive Director of IJS in January 2020 and became President & CEO in April 2022. He received ordination from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School in 2005, and served for six years as the Hillel Rabbi at Northwestern University, where he also earned a PhD in Religious Studies. In 2011, Josh helped found and served as Executive Director of Ask Big Questions, an initiative of Hillel International, which won the inaugural Lippman-Kanfer Prize for Applied Jewish Wisdom. Josh has also been a consultant and Senior Fellow at The iCenter for Israel Education. Most recently he served as Dean of Students at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Josh is a Wexner Graduate Fellow and was the founding co-chair of the Wexner Fellowship Alumni Committee. He is the author of Eternal Questions: Reflections, Conversations, and Jewish Mindfulness Practices for the Weekly Torah Portion (Ben Yehuda Press, 2022). Josh lives with his wife Natalie and their three sons in Skokie, IL.
A production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.
Open My Heart: Living Jewish Prayer
Find your own authentic and meaningful prayer practice and open your heart to prayer.
Open My Heart: Living Jewish Prayer was our first podcast series, developed and hosted by Rabbi Jonathan Slater beginning in November 2020. Each of the 55 episodes in this series is led by a different teacher who introduces a unique prayer practice for you to learn about and explore. Listen to this podcast to help discover your own authentic and meaningful prayer practice.
MEET YOUR HOST: Rabbi Jonathan Slater
Meet your host, Rabbi Jonathan Slater, former IJS Senior Faculty Member. Rabbi Slater has worked with IJS since 2002, having participated in the first rabbinic cohort. He co-directed the Clergy Leadership Program, and served in multiple programs throughout the organization. Rabbi Slater was ordained by JTS and served congregations in northern California for over twenty years.