Courses, retreats, and offerings

Grounded in mindfulness. Guided by wisdom.

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation

Cultivating Innate Sacred Character Traits

Mindful Torah Study

Embodied Practices

Contemplative Prayer

Upcoming Programs

January 22 – March 4, 2025

IJS is pleased to offer a six-session course presented with our partners at Orot, to help parents bring mindfulness, compassion, and Jewish wisdom into their parenting lives. The class supports and nourishes participants to become the parents they want to be, and to reshape and deepen their interactions and relationships with their children.

Evening of Gratitude: The Value of Jewish Mindfulness

February 6 – June 5, 2025

Taught by senior core faculty member Rabbi Sam Feinsmith, this course will help you take your daily meditation practice to the next level through the Kabbalah’s mystical sefirot â€” lenses to help us channel, focus, and reveal the sublime light of consciousness.

January 30, 2025

Noted author, activist, and nonprofit leader Andrés Spokoiny has spent decades harnessing the power of collective action to work towards a more just and equitable society. In his new book Tradition and Transition: Jewish Communities and the Hyper Empowered Individual, he explores what Jewish community can look like in these tumultuous times, drawing from years of research and professional experience.

In his conversation with Josh, he’ll discuss the radical evolution of Judaism in the 21st century, the profound questions facing our communities today, and how to best survive and thrive through the challenges ahead.

Evening of Gratitude: The Value of Jewish Mindfulness

Year-Long Program

Bring the transformative light of Torah and Hasidic wisdom into your daily life. Explore two brand-new text study streams led by extraordinary Torah teachers, Rabba Dr. Mira Neshama Niculescu and Rabbi Sam Feinsmith. These programs will support you in expanding your spiritual awareness and deepening your mindfulness practice.


For over 20 years, the Institute for Jewish Spirituality has helped thousands of people every year to slow down, reconnect with themselves and the world, and rediscover their sense of sacred purpose. We invite you to explore our website where you will find teachings, inspiration, guided meditations, and retreat opportunities to become more mindful, more peaceful, more compassionate, and more resilient, all through the rich wisdom of Jewish tradition. Wherever you are on your journey, whether you are just beginning or you have practiced mindfulness for years, we welcome you.

Reflections & Practice

A Spiritual Ladder (Shemot 5785)

A Spiritual Ladder (Shemot 5785)

When I was a kid, in order to become an Eagle Scout you needed to earn 21 merit badges. Of those, some were required and some were elective. I remember my electives included things like ice skating and music (which were, conveniently, things I did anyway outside of...

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Tevet: Settling Amidst the Storm

Tevet: Settling Amidst the Storm

While Kislev brought us into the darkest time of year and the holiday of Hanukkah, Tevet brings us out of Hanukkah, and moves us again towards longer, lighter days. The month of Tevet was originally named while the Jewish people were living in exile in Babylonia....

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A Response to David Brooks (Hannukah 5785)

A Response to David Brooks (Hannukah 5785)

Dear friends, I heard from many people this week about The New York Times columnist David Brooks's essay, "The Shock of Faith." I won't speak for him (he does that for himself in 2,000 words). Nor do I really want to have a conversation about whether Brooks, who talks...

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Check Out Our Podcasts

Weekly Meditation with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

Weekly Meditation with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

Join IJS for a weekly podcast featuring a brief, accessible teaching and meditation based on the weekly Torah portion, an upcoming Jewish holiday, or wisdom from Jewish tradition. In just a few minutes each week, Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, Senior Rabbi of Central Synagogue in New York City, will help you pause, breathe, and find balance and clarity to weather today’s storms and meet our personal and collective challenges with Jewish wisdom. Whether you are in your car, on a walk, or at home, join us to learn, nourish your spirit, and deepen your practice.

Soulful Jewish Living

Overstressed, overworked, overstimulated? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in. In each episode Rabbi Josh Feigelson will guide with ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness practices to help center your soul and ease you into your week.

A production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

Jewish Meditation for Everyone

Pause in the midst of your busy day to renew your body, heart, mind and spirit with a Jewishly-framed mindfulness meditation from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. In each episode, hosted by Rabbi Marc Margolius, an expert Jewish meditation instructor guides you through a brief teaching and meditation for relaxing your body, reconnecting with your authentic self, and connecting you with deep Jewish wisdom.

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