We’re excited to announce that we launched our new online course platform on May 14, 2024— offering an improved learning experience that is faster and easier to navigate.
We hope you’ll take some time to check out the new platform – and here are some answers to questions that may come up.
How do I log in to the new learning platform?
If you had access to any existing courses on the old platform, then you already have an account waiting for you on the new platform. You should have received an email with a special link to set up your password on the new account. Please find that email and click that link.
If you do not have that email, then just go here to reset your password: https://institute.jewishspirituality.org/users/password/new
If you receive a message saying that your email address is not in our system, please contact us at [email protected] so we can look into it for you. (If you didn’t have current access to any courses on the old platform, then you will not have an account set up on the new system.)
Can I still access the old learning platform?
If you are in Awareness in Action for the Omer 2024 or God Is Here, you still have access to those courses on the old platform. In fact, you should complete the courses on that platform, as any progress, comments, journaling, etc. for those courses will not be transferred over to the new platform. If you have any questions about this, please contact [email protected].
You can access the old platform by logging in here: https://dashboard.jewishspirituality.org/core .
For any other courses, we would like you to use the new platform going forward.
The old platform will no longer be available after July 15, 2024.
Why don't I see all of the courses I've taken?
If you previously took several versions of the same course (for example Awareness in Action in previous years, or Gift of Awareness, etc.) you will now only see one instance of that course on your learning platform.
If you have previously taken a course that did not have lifetime access, and you don’t see it on your course dashboard, it’s because your access for that course has expired.
How do I message other students on the new learning platform?
On the new learning platform, all communications between students will happen in the discussion threads. There is no longer the option for direct messaging other students.
Will I still have access to all of my courses?
If you had access to any courses on the old platform, you will also have access to those courses on the new platform.
However, please note that your course progress, discussion forum comments, journals, etc. will not be reflected on the new platform.
Why does it say "Start Course" for a course that I have already completed?
We were not able to migrate your course progress onto the new platform, so all courses will be at 0% complete. You can change this by simply opening up any of the courses and marking lessons as complete.
Where are the discussion forums on the new learning platform?
The new learning platform actually incorporates discussion right into the course – so you don’t have to leave the course to see comments or engage with others in the course!
To comment on a portion of one of your courses, simply click on the discussion icon in the top right of any page of a course, and it will open up a discussion panel on the right.
Where are my journals from the old platform?
Any journal entries you filled out on the old platform have NOT been transferred over to the new learning platform. If you would like to save your old journals, you can do that by logging onto the old platform here before July 14, 2024, and exporting them.
Where is the meditation timer?
Unfortunately, there is no meditation timer on the new learning platform.
I don't see the Resource Library for my course.
The new learning platform incorporates all of the learning materials within the course – so you no longer have to leave the course to go to the resource library! You’ll find everything you need as you progress through the course lessons.