Courses, retreats, and offerings
Grounded in mindfulness. Guided by wisdom.
Jewish Mindfulness Meditation
Cultivating Innate Sacred Character Traits
Mindful Torah Study
Embodied Practices
Contemplative Prayer
Upcoming Programs
March 11 – April 8, 2025
The Four Worlds of Kabbalah: A Mindfulness-Based Introduction for Young Adults is an accessible and practical introduction to mindful Jewish living grounded in Jewish mysticism’s model of the “four worlds”—finding holiness in our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and spirit. Together, we’ll awaken to our essential divinity and help achieve a greater sense of wholeness.
March 12 – April 2, 2025
In Mindfulness for the Climate Crisis, we’ll harness the Jewish mystical tradition of the Four Worlds of Kabbalah to gently turn ourselves towards trust, ease, and expansiveness. We’ll explore the physical, emotional, spiritual, and existential invitations of climate change with a community of other clear-eyed seekers, guided by the wisdom of Jewish tradition.
April 16 – May 28, 2025
Beginning this Passover, join the IJS faculty for seven weeks of mindfulness practice to promote the healing, growth, and liberation we all need. Journey through the Omer (the period between Passover and the holiday of Shavuot) by immersing each week in one of seven sacred qualities drawn from Kabbalah.
Year-Long Program
Bring the transformative light of Torah and Hasidic wisdom into your daily life. Explore two brand-new text study streams led by extraordinary Torah teachers, Rabba Dr. Mira Neshama Niculescu and Rabbi Sam Feinsmith. These programs will support you in expanding your spiritual awareness and deepening your mindfulness practice.
Upcoming Events
Shevet: A Jewish Mindfulness Community for Young Adults
Shevet: A Jewish Mindfulness Community for Young Adults
Reflections & Practice
Adar: A Time to Increase Joy
Traditionally, the month of Adar is a time to increase joy. But how can we authentically celebrate this month during such troubling times? Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell's teaching helps us reframe this invitation in a way that feels more authentic to the current moment.
Tetzaveh 5785: Truth, Peace, and Hypocrisy
While social media is, generally speaking, a wasteland of toxic drek, there are still some moments when its original hopeful potential glimmers beneath the surface. One such moment occurred for me in recent weeks, as I began to engage with an old acquaintance from my...
Terumah 5785: On My Honor
Regular readers will know that the Boy Scouts were a big part of life in my family growing up. My grandfather became an Eagle Scout in 1924. My father, two older brothers and I were all Eagle Scouts too. It was through Scouting that I learned formative lessons about...
Check Out Our Podcasts
Weekly Meditation with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl
Soulful Jewish Living
A production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.